Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bethel and Abi's arrival

Hey everyone! So a lot has happened the last 2 days. Yesterday morning Danielle and I headed off with Tom to go into Georgetown. We took off at about 10 in the morning and made a few stops along the way. First one was in Rose Hall, while we waited for Tom we went and got ice cream. So after that we headed into a town called Hopetown. We stopped at the house of some need greaters in that area. Their names are Chris and Lorissa Godburn, Sam, and Micaiah. The couple has been there about 4 weeks, they are from San Luis Obispo,CA. They will be here until April so hopefully we will get to see them again before they leave. The boys have been here since Tom had his last interior preaching trip, I keep trying to convince him to plan one before I leave and he keeps saying no. So we hung out there for a little while so Tom could download some things from their computers.

After that we were on our way to Bethel! We got there and were so excited to feel slightly civilized again. We were taken up to the guestroom and left to enjoy the air conditioning and hot shower:) When we arrived they made a point of making sure we knew we were invited to the family study of the Watchtower. So we got ready and headed downstairs. I have never sat in on the family study so we were so excited. The singing was so loud, and they sang after the meeting was over so we have video of all the Bethelites singing, it was a great experience. We were able to meet all 8 of the Bethelites and have conversations with all of them. When I get home I will post pictures and the video on my blog.

So after that we headed upstairs to our room and enjoyed our little piece of civilization. For the first time in 2 months I felt like a girl again. So we got all cleaned and sat on the couch to enjoy the television. We found out that one of the stations was the security tapes, so we sat and watched that for a while. It is much more enjoyable than you would think. So we hung out and then went to enjoy the comfortable bed.....oh my goodness, it was so nice to need a blanket while sleeping. Words cant explain.

When we woke up the next morning we got ready and took off for the airport. Half way there Abi called to say she had landed, it was early. So as we pulled up to the airport we saw her. Tom didnt have time to stop the car completely before we had jumped out and were running at her. However a local man who was laughing put his hand out and said hey hey she will still be there slow down. At which point we ignored him like we do everyone else, and about knocked her over. So after long hellos we realized she wasnt alone. She had met a brother at the airport in JFK from England named James.He was coming for one month to go and stay on an island outside of Georgetown. She saw him reading a Watchtower in the airport and went over in the hopes of finding a brother or being able to witness to him. That was nice for her because she had a long layover and you will find some wierd people in that airport.

After loading up the car we headed back to Bethel. We hadnt had a tour yet so we were able to go through and see all of it. The branch was dedicated in 2004. The sister that took us through was Sister Cross. She is the only single sister at Bethel. She took us through all of the offices and we were able to talk to all the brothers about their jobs in the building. We learned about all of the congregations in Guyana including the only Carib speaking congregation in Barmita. Then we learned how the MEPS system works:) I wish I could explain it to you but it is hard to explain without the program in front of you. Everyone at the branch was so sweet and welcoming. We never wanted to leave, however we did have to.

Finally we got Abi home and got her unpacked. We cooked her real Guyanese food, roti and curry. Hopefully she enjoyed it, we did. We are so excited to have her here with us. Tomorrow we are going to take her into Rose Hall to see the market and probably to give her a small dose of life back home. Which comes in the form of cake at Spready's. I hope everything is well and will post again soon


  1. So Faith how do you like having Abi there for your bat bait when the bats come back tell Abi that and i said hi this is Harrison.................. To be continued.........

  2. "We were able to meet all 8 of the Bethelites and have conversations with all of them."

    There are only 8 at that Bethel, or am I missing something? How did the singing compare to an English pioneer session back here? Hopefully you'll be able to stand yourself now that you've been spoiled with air conditioning and security cameras.

  3. Of COURSE Tom stopped for ice cream.... :)
