Monday, December 14, 2009

week one

hey everyone!!!! so it has now been one week since we have left our houses and got on the airplane. we finally got our internet up and running this morning. we have had our account setup for a few days but we had an issue with a modem and then a misspelled password, who wouldve thunk it huh? us have problems? lol. so as of now we have taken it pretty easy. we are finally moved into our house and we have bats. not the ones you hit balls with but the ones that fly around your head. we have a system to scare them out...we jump up and down on the second floor where we spend most of our time then hit the walls as we walk down the stairs. yes we have a video of this if anyone is wondering. now we have named them, they are thomas and shakira:)

now we are interpreting the meetings for a young girl named niasha. she is a very dramatic little girl, she is constantly keeping us laughing. we really havent done too much service yet. we did spend a day out with a couple from new amsterdam, they took us on the bible studies in this area so we could get an idea of what is expected from us. it was really nice. so the last saturday of every month is new amsterdams full asl meeting so we will be going and will hopefully have some pictures up at that point.

as for our addition to the bats in the downstairs we also have a rooster that apparently doesnt know what time of day he is supposed to start waking people up and a dog that barks all the time. we have considered going down to make the animals be quiet but that would require us going down the stairs where the bat has claimed his territory. so that is a no go:) i hope everything is good up in the northern and snowy region, send us some snow!!!! we want it so bad. until next time


  1. Faith tonight we skype, i hope we really can i am really looking forward to seeing you and danny if we can

  2. I am happy to hear all of the updates you have posted. I cannot wait until you post pictures so I can see what everything looks like. My computer still won't let me open the pictures you sent before you left.

  3. Hi Sissy, Its momma. I cant wait to try the skype tonite. I love you so much. Hopefully I'll see you soon.

  4. Glad to hear you are doing well. Samir wants to know if they have pop tarts where you are? I think you should know bats are good --- they eat all the other creepy crawlys....
    Love ya! Leigh
